Heybrook Primary and Nursery

Heybrook Primary and Nursery School




Our science curriculum aims to develop children's knowledge and understanding of the world. Children's knowledge is built upon during their time at school. We ensure that children are happy, by providing them with a creative, engaging curriculum. They learn and understand what it means to be healthy. The structure of lessons and the curriculum we follow allows children to be successful in their learning and understanding of science. Children learn together by carrying our experiments and sharing their learning experiences with others in the class.


We want our children to have a deep understanding of science, not only in the classroom but also in the real world. To do this, we link our science with other subjects where possible and we introduce examples of science in the real world. We follow the National Curriculum and support children with their understanding of vocabulary and subject content. We aim for children to have a strong understanding of science and have a real world context of knowledge that they have developed. Our vision is that children leave Heybrook as interested, questioning and knowledgeable scientists, ready for the next steps in their scientific education.



We aim to:

  • Develop children's understanding of science, not only in the classroom but in the world around them
  • Support children with learning new scientific concepts and vocabulary
  • Encourage children to become inquisitive learners, leading lessons through their questions and experiments
  • Create a creative, engaging learning atmosphere for the children to thrive in
  • Introduce children to real scientists across different fields of study
  • Teach 'working scientifically' skills including testing, observing, pattern seeking, researching and classifying
  • Build on prior learning as part of a progressive curriculum


Curriculum map

Our curriculum map for science clearly sets out the sequence of learning in this subject:
Science Curriculum Map 2024-25



Our science policy provides further details on how the subject is organised:
Science Policy 2024-25


What our children say

Science is the discovery of new knowledge and understanding things around us.


When I'm older, I want to be an engineer so I need to know about electricity.


We get to learn about our own bodies so if we're ill we might know what's happening.


Scientists are people who investigate new things.


It will help you to keep safe when you are older... like with electricity.


Science can tell us more about the history of the Earth.


Science is where you find out different things about the unknown.


I really enjoyed the Noisy Toy workshop.


We can do fun experiments!


I loved learning about plants because we got to see the roots.


If you want to become a scientist, you need to know the basics.


What it looks like 

Science at Heybrook