Heybrook Primary and Nursery

Heybrook Primary and Nursery School



Reporting Concerns

If you have any concerns about any member of the school community please do not hesitate to:


  • email ehash@rochdale.gov.uk or call 0300 303 0440 (0300 303 8875 out of office hours) for the local autority



At Heybrook, we want our children to be successful. For this to happen they must be happy and healthy. As parents, you send your children to school each day with the expectation that the school provides a secure and safe environment in which they can flourish. In order to ensure that this expectation becomes reality, we put a wide range of measures in place.


We believe that children should develop self-confidence whilst gaining a balanced view of their society and the world through a curriculum based on their understanding of our core values.  

In school, this means:

  • promoting the welfare of children by teaching them about keeping safe and healthy, not just in terms diet and exercise, but also in terms of online safety and safety in the local community. This takes place across the curriculum.
  • supporting children to talk to adults when they feel unsafe or worried.
  • ensuring children understand our safeguarding procedures and policies. 


We work with other organisations to achieve this including NSPCC, Childline, Rochdale Children's Social Care, CEOP and the local Police.


All Staff

At Heybrook we believe it everyone's responsibility to promote the welfare of children. Everyone who comes into contact with children, and their families, has a role to play in safeguarding. In order to do this, all adults at the school ensure their approach is child-centred.


In order to support our staff in their understanding of safeguarding, all staff attend training with the local authority every three years on basic safeguarding practice. This is then supplemented in school by annual training sessions and regular briefings and discussions. All staff ensure that they have read Keeping Children Safe in Education and undertake additional training, provided by The Key, on this.


Safeguarding Leads
The school has 5 members of staff who are part of the safeguarding team. They have all undertaken the local authority's designated safeguarding lead (DSL) training. They are:

  • Rebekhae Gray. Assistant Head & DSL
  • Toni Moore. Head & dDSL
  • Joseph Doyle. Deputy Head & dDSL
  • Usma Ahmad. Pastoral Manager & dDSL
  • Gareth Hughes. Assistant Head & dDSL


The school's SENCo (Michelle Berry) has also undertaken enhanced safeguarding training. 


Sue Moore-Holmes, is the designated link governor for safeguarding. She can be contacted via the school office.


Early Help at Heybrook 

At Heybrook, we believe that supporting the families within our community is as important as ensuring our pupils are achieving the best they can. As part of this commitment we have trained members of staff who can support a family with an Early Help Assessment. Every family goes through challenging times at some point, and it is okay to ask for help. Early Help means working with you and your family so that small problems don’t become big problems, and help you be the very best family you can be. 


It is your choice whether or not to have Early Help and you can stop at any point.


The only time the person you talked to has to share information without your consent is:

  • if they think you or a child is at risk of harm.
  • if they think that the information could help prevent or detect a serious crime.


Mrs Ahmad is our lead early help practitioner at Heybrook. If you feel you require some support with family life, please pop into school and speak to her. We are also able to signpost families to further support for a number of issues including parenting, drug and alcohol support and services that can support with mental health. 


At school, we have a comprehensive Internal Help Offer to support children and families in a range of different ways. Where necessary, we also have a range of different external partners who we work with to provide specialist support for families and children in a wide range of areas.

internal early help offer.pdf


If you would like to access support for your family then you can click the link to see what advice and support is available through Rochdale’s Early Help offer.


Operation Encompass

At Heybrook, we are proud to be part of Operation Encompass as part of our commitment to keeping children safe. Operation Encompass is an early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children exposed to domestic abuse.


This means our school will receive a notification from Greater Manchester Police before the start of the next day if a child has been involved or exposed to a domestic abuse incident the previous day. The information is given in confidence to key members of the safeguarding team to help give the best support for the child. 


If you would like to find out more about Operation Encompass please click on the link.


Policies & Procedures

We appreciate that the policies and procedures relating to safeguarding can be complex. If you need any help, have any questions or would like to find out more about safeguarding at Heybrook please contact the school and ask to speak to one of the school's designated safeguarding leads.


The school's Child Protection & Safeguarding policy can be found here.


The school has adopted and promotes the local authority's whistleblowing policy which can be found here. This is a commitment that anyone who has serious concerns about any aspects of Heybrook's work, an individual's behaviour or conduct, can go forward to voice those concerns. 


The school works with the local authority's safeguarding partnership. More information on this organisation and they help they offer can be found here.


The school ensures that all staff read the guidance as set out in Keeping Children Safe in Education which can be found here.


Useful resources:

Please click here to open a letter which details some of the help you may be able to access.